Part 4 is the final installment. For everyone else in our family (grandmas, grandpas, aunts, and uncle) I made calendars. I do this every year so it is no longer a surprise. It is a great way for family to see how the boys have grown over the years and what we like to do. I am not a big scrapbooker so this takes its place. I make the calendars in Microsoft Picture It! and edit the fonts to look how I am feeling at the time. This year the font was "Enviro." I add major holidays from this website so people can actually use it as a calendar. Then I make the picture page, also in Picture It!, with pictures of our family. This year each month is made up of pictures of what we did during that month in 2008. I print them out on white cardstock, punch a nail hole at the top, and take them to Office Depot for a spiral binding. It is really pretty easy and much cheaper than having someone else print them out.
Hey, so I lost track of your blog. did you get a new one? I'm way impressed with all the stuff you've made. You'll have to teach me when I come visit...and I promise I will come visit next time. that "M" on my blog was meant for Markwells. we were snowed in a lot of the time as I'm sure you were too.
Alright Nicole I know who to go to now for super darling handmade gifts! Holy Cow you are amazingly talented!
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