Friday, October 31, 2008


So, I am officially done with costumes this year. Yay! I finished the robot costume last night. I could have finished sooner but after the mad rush on Monday I needed a costume break. I decided to use all fabric instead of cardboard, which was probably not the best idea. I should have just spray painted cardboard boxes and been done with it. I used 6 layers of fabric - silver for the outside, black for the inside, 2 layers of stiff interfacing, and 2 layers of fleece batting - but it didn't hold up well. It doesn't help that my son is really skinny. I ended up adding cardboard across his shoulders to keep it from sliding down. The hat kept collapsing so I added cardboard on the back and sides to prop it up. By the end of the night it looked pretty darn good. We decorated it with circuit boards on the chest. I also had a small computer fan but it disappeared sometime yesterday afternoon. For his arms and legs I bought drier duct and cut it to fit. The legs really made the outfit.

I have to take a moment to give a shout out to Free Geek for the circuit boards. They are totally awesome. All the computer pieces ended up costing only $3. That was 4 circuit boards, an antenna, and a small fan. Due to some miscommunication the antenna didn't make it on the final costume.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Well, not quite yet but it was our church Halloween "Monster Mash" aka costume D-Day. I finished the turtle costume and it looks great. The snaps keep coming unsnapped so he crawls around quite immodestly. I made the body suit from a pattern and I used sew on snaps. Next time I think I will opt for snaps that are more heavy duty. The shell is a bit small but I really like how it turned out. I just zig-zagged around the edges of each piece (after finding out the hard way that you cannot quilt hexagons). To keep it on him, I sewed on elastic straps with plastic clasps.

The robot got done enough. I would still like to sew on a few more accessories. I sewed the whole thing out of many layers of fabric but I think it would have been much easier to just spray paint a few cardboard boxes. No pictures until it is complete.

In addition to all of the sewing I had to do, I also volunteered to bring two desserts and chili. I decided to make brownies because they don't require a mixer (I burnt out the motor on my mixer last Christmas in the middle of making cookies and I refuse to buy another one because I am holding out for a Kitchen-Aid). I thought a graveyard scene would be my best bet. I made shortbread cookies (again due to lack of mixer) for tombstones. I was too busy sewing to get it all put together so when my husband got home I put him on the graveyard shift. I think he did a great job, better than I would have done. He free-handed that skeleton with icing and made the heads from marshmallows and sprinkles (thank you Martha). They turned out great!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Alive and Crafting

I am not AWOL I am just deep in Halloween Costumes. I can't wait to get them finished so I can see the boys. My oldest is going to be a robot. My baby is crawling everywhere so he gets to be a turtle. Our church Halloween party is on Monday (Oct. 27) so time is almost up.

In the meantime, feast upon my to do list:

Cloth Headbands
Scripture Case for my oldest to take to church
Quiet Book for the baby
Hand Towels
Cloth Napkins
Warm rain coat for my hubby
New baby shoes
Scarf for my baby (I think this may be next)
Cloth Wipes
Wool Diaper Doublers (as per a request from Mary)
Christmas Cards
Aprons for me (I am usually the last on my list)
A Dressy Dress (also for me)
Christmas Presents (I am sorry I can't be more specific but you shall see soon enough)

Friday, October 17, 2008


I have finally mastered the beast that is crochet hats. I am so excited to report that my hats transition cleanly from one color to the next and the tops are smooth and gradual. I was increasing too quickly and getting puckers in the tops. The hats looked fine on the head but when they were taken off the puckers were obvious. But no more! Here are some favorites:

Here is my attempt at taking pictures of a hat without a head. Not too shabby, I must say. I like the balloon idea to show the shape.

Here are earflap hats for girls and boys. I am particularly happy with the center of the flower.

I have also been able to make little crochet hats with brims. This one I made for my youngest son. I will have to admit I borrowed the color scheme from another website. Super cute. If only I could find a way to convince him to keep it on!

This one is just a simple beanie hat but with teddy bear ears.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let the Crafting Begin!

Welcome to my new blog all about crafting. This is where I can display all of the things I do from sewing to crocheting even to baking (it is an art). More to come. Enjoy!